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Heeth Jain
May 31, 20241 min read
Don't re-invent the wheel (pt. 2)
Continuing on the previous post of Don't reinvent the wheel and when it is applicable. Let's look at the other 2 pointers: 3.❓Do you have...
Heeth Jain
May 16, 20241 min read
Don't re-invent the wheel (pt. 1)
Don't reinvent the wheel is very common while building tech. But what does it even mean and when is it applicable? Here are the 4...
Heeth Jain
Apr 29, 20241 min read
How not to over-complicate tech for MVP
Most of the people over-complicate tech when building the MVP / v1 of their product. Mistake: Where they go wrong? ❌ Your product might...
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